1st Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Numbers

Chevvy by Stuart Cahill The 1st Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Something With A Number On It’ was judged on 18th November by Jim Cunningham (CPAGB) from Blackburn Photographic Society. There were a lot of images to get through, so Jim’s comments were of necessity short and to the point, but he did mention several

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2021 L&CPU Knock-Out Competition

The 2021 L&CPU Knock-Out competition was held on Saturday13th November, judged by John Cartlidge APAGB, EFIAP/p, BPE5* from the Midland Counties Photographic Federation. 41 clubs entered, with 4 images from each club. Images are progressively knocked out in a series of rounds, until only a handful are left, at which point the judge selects his overall winner. Scores are awarded

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