Club Constitution

The Club Constitution is presented below, or is available as a pdf download here:-

LSAPS Club Constitution

The Club Child And Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy is available as a pdf download here:-

LSAPS Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy

The Club Policy regarding General Data Protection Regulations is available as a pdf download here:-




Affiliated through the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic
Union to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
Registered as a Charity (No.513963)
(Revised August 2024)

1. Title

The Society shall be known as the ‘Lytham St. Annes Photographic Society’, hereafter referred to as ‘the Society’. The Society shall be affiliated to the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union.

2. Object

The object of the Society is to advance the education of the public in the theory and practice of photography as an art.

3. Management

  • The Society shall be administered by a Council, consisting of officers of the Society and up to ten other members elected at an Annual General Meeting, plus such coopted members as the Council may see fit to appoint.
  • The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The other members of the Council shall have responsibility for membership, syllabus, exhibitions, competitions, equipment, publicity and social activities.
  • The President shall chair all meetings of the Council and of the members and in his/her absence the Vice-President shall preside.
  • The President and Vice-President shall serve for two years only. All other Council members and any co-opted members, shall serve for one year and may then seek re-election at the AGM. There shall be no limit on the number of times a member may seek re-election.
  • At Council Meetings a quorum shall consist of more than half the council members. Such members to include any co-opted members.
  • The Council shall have the power to co-opt ordinary members to fill any vacancies in the Council.
  • The elected Officers and other Council Members elected at an Annual General Meeting shall also be co-trustees and jointly responsible for the organisation and management of the Society. As co-trustees they shall be responsible in equal proportions for its assets.
  • The Secretary of the Society shall also be responsible for delivering to the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales such reports, returns and statements of account as they legitimately require.
  • The Council shall be responsible for the conduct of all meetings and shall control the finances of the Society.
  • It is the policy of the Society, in the interest of members and other persons that may be associated with the Society, to protect, as far as practically possible, such individuals from any physical, mental or emotional harm that may arise as a consequence of their connection with the Society, in accordance with the definitions and practices set out in the Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy.
  • The Council shall be responsible for ensuring that all members are aware of this policy and attentive, as appropriate, to any incidents that may occur. One Council member will be appointed as Child Protection Officer to promote adherence to the policy and deal with any incidents.
  • In certain limited circumstances (such as a pandemic or other local or national emergency) the LSAPS Council may set aside temporarily the provisions of this Constitution (except for legal and Charity Commission requirements).

4. Membership

  • Membership shall be open to the public; membership to include Full Membership, Honorary Life Membership and Honorary Membership.
  • Members will be accepted upon payment of a current subscription.
  • The Council shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to reject an application for membership.
  • The Annual Subscription for the following season will be announced in April to allow time for members to express their opinions. In the event of any disagreement being notified to the Council, an EGM will be called to vote on the proposed subscription.
  • Subscriptions shall be payable at the start of the season. There shall be a single rate for existing Full Members, however discounts may be offered to new members at the discretion of the Council.
  • Persons joining after 31 December shall pay a membership fee reduced pro rata at the discretion of the Treasurer.
  • Visitors or intending members are welcome to attend meetings and shall attend a maximum of three meetings, after which membership shall be taken up.
  • Any member may make a proposition that an existing member be made an Honorary Life Member (HLM). Members who are proposed for Honorary Life Membership should have provided many years of distinguished service to the Society. The person nominated should be seen as someone who has gone above and beyond their role for the benefit of the Society and its members. Any proposition will be considered by the Council and the final decision on whether to grant Honorary Life Membership will be taken by the Council. The announcement of the award of any Honorary Life Membership will be made at the AGM and the recipient will be presented with a certificate. HLM’S are exempt from paying membership fees.
  • The Council may elect as an honorary member any individual who has provided distinguished service to the Society or to photography in general, and is willing to assist in the promotion of the Society’s object. Such election may be for life, or for such other period as the council may determine.
  • Honorary Members (other than Life members) shall have no right to vote at any meetings or to be elected to the Council or any office in the Society.
  • No person under the age of 18 should hold Office on the Council.

5. Ordinary meetings

The Society shall issue an annual syllabus of its activities. The season shall run from the beginning of September to the end of May unless decided otherwise by the Council.

6. Annual General Meetings and Election of Council

  • The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the second week of July each year. The date of the meeting shall be announced in the syllabus published at the beginning of the season and this shall be deemed to provide adequate notice of the meeting.
  • At the Annual General Meeting a quorum shall consist of 25% of the current membership total and at least 2 Council Officers.
  • Notification of proposed amendments and additions to the Society’s Constitution must be in writing and sent to the Council Secretary a minimum of 28 days before an Annual General Meeting.
  • At least 14 days notice of all suggested alterations or additions to the Constitution shall be given to all members of the Society before the date of the meeting.
  • Such proposed amendments or additions to the Society’s Constitution must be carried by a majority of two-thirds of Members present at the Annual General Meeting.
  • The Financial Year of the Society shall run from 1st June to 31 May At the close of the Financial Year a Balance Sheet shall be drawn up by the Treasurer and independently scrutinised.
  • Nominations for election as officers and other members of the Council shall be given on the approved Nomination Form to the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the council must be supported by a seconding member. Both Nominee and Seconder must be members of at least twelve months standing.
  • The business of the AGM shall include the minutes of the previous AGM and any Extraordinary General Meetings, annual reports of the Council members, statement of accounts and election of Council members.
  • All notices of motion for any other business to be moved at an AGM shall be forwarded to the Secretary by the proposer and seconder at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.
  • Any amendment to a notice of motion shall not be voted upon unless duly moved and seconded.
  • The passing of any motion or of any amendment to a motion shall require the approval of at least two-thirds of Members present at the meeting.

7. Extraordinary General Meetings

Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Council, or on receipt of a request by at least 10 members of the Society. At least 14 days’ notice of such a meeting, stating the object of the meeting, shall be given to members of the Society.

8. Amendment to the Constitution

No amendment shall be made which would result in the Society ceasing to be established for exclusively charitable purposes according to the Law of England and Wales. No alteration or addition shall be made to the Object of the Society without the consent of the Charity Commissioner of England and Wales and no such alteration or addition shall be made which shall have the effect of causing the Society to cease to be a Charity.

9. Application of Income and Property

The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely toward promoting the Object of the Society. No portion shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any Member of the Society except in satisfaction of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.

10. Dissolution

The Society may be dissolved at any time by a resolution passed by a three quarters majority of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting of the Society or at a special general meeting called for that purpose. In the event of winding-up or dissolution of the Society any assets remaining after all liabilities have been discharged shall not be paid or transferred to any Member of the Society but shall be transferred to such charitable organisation or charitable organisations whose objects are similar to those of the Society, as the Council of the Society shall determine subject to the approval of the Charity Commissioners of England and Wales.