2019 Seaside Invitation

Last One Stands Defiant By Graham Taylor
On Thursday 28th November, we welcomed members from Southport Photographic Society for the annual Seaside Invitation competition. This is a test of strength in depth, as each club enters 20 Prints and 20 PDI’s, with images from 20 different members in each category. The competition was judged by Keith Barber (CPAGB, LRPS, FISCT) from Swinton Photographic Society, who gave some useful advice on cropping images and ensuring they had immediate impact.
After the Print competition, LSAPS were slighty ahead, but unfortunately fell behind in the PDI category. Southport were overall winners with 678pts against LSAPS 665pts.
Congratulations to Graham Taylor, Sheila Giles and Tim Amphlett who scored 20pts in the Print category, and Gordon Watson who scored 20pts in the PDI.