L&CPU Annual Individual Competition

Alpha Male Gelada Baboon by Mary Kirkby – Gold Medal In Nature Prints

The L&CPU Annual Individual Competition took place at the weekend of 13th/14th May and LSAPS scored some notable successes.

In the PDI competition we had 17 members enter 142 images. 8 members had 1 image or more score 12 or above (equivalent to an acceptance in external exhibitions). Congratulations to Brian Clark who got a Commended for his image “The Final Hurdle”.

In the Print competition we had 7 members enter 66 images. 6 members had 1 or more image score 12 or above and 5 of these have had images retained for the L&CPU Exhibition which takes places between 9th & 28th August. The 5 members who have images retained for the Exhibition are Gordon Watson, Mary Kirkby, Anthony Hull, Carol Watson and Daryl Giles. Carol and Gordon also had images retained for the PAGB Inter-Federation Competition. The following 2 members gained awards in the print competition:
Mary Kirkby – Gold for “Alpha Male Gelada Baboon”, Commended for “Leopard And Cub” and “Mursi Tribeswoman”
Carol Watson – Commended for “Windswept and Interesting”, “Looking Towards the Light” and “Old Miser”

Well done to all those who took part. All the LSAPS results are available in the pdf document below, and a selection of LSAPS images from each successful entrant are shown in the gallery.