2020 L&CPU Novice Cup

Dandelion Drop By Keith Orr
Judging of the 2020 L&CPU Novice Cup took place on Sunday 11th October. This is a competition for club members who do not hold any photographic distinctions, and who may not normally enter regional or national competitions. Many thanks to all our eligible members who took the time to enter. Congratulations go to the following who achieved a Commended:
- Clive McDonald – Knot In a Jacuzzi (Nature)
- Bill Breckenridge – Balancing Act (Nature)
- Clive McDonald – The Populous Viewing the Oculus (Open)
- Keith Orr – Dandelion Drop (Open)
Overall LSAPS finished in a very commendable second place behind Oldham PS, so well done to all our entrants.