2021 L&CPU Individual Competition

Avocet Feeding By Anthony Hull
The 2021 L&CPU Individual Competition was judged over the weekend of 8th May, with 3 judges each awarding up to 5 marks for each image. Under normal Exhibition rules, a score of 12pts would be considered an Acceptance. 11 LSAPS Photographers entered, and of these, 8 achieved a score of 12 and above with at least 1 image – Carol Watson (12), Kuli Virdee (11), Gordon Watson (10), Martin Christensen (3), Peter Parnell (3), Anthony Hull (2), Stuart Cahill (1), Andy Dickson (1). Congratulations to all who achieved an Acceptance score and in particular to Carol, who was the highest placed LSAPS photographer overall, coming in 13th place.
Carol, Kuli, Peter and Anthony all achieved a score of 13 for at least 1 image, however Anthony’s Avocet Feeding was the only LSAPS image to achieve this in Nature.