Cleveleys Photo Walk

LSAPS Photographers at Cleveleys by Mike Halstead
On the evening of Thursday 22nd July, a group of LSAPS members attended a photo walk to Cleveleys promenade, which started on the promenade overlooking Mary’s Shell. The beach was still busy with people taking full advantage of the sunny, hot weather. With the tide out we took the opportunity to photograph ‘The Sea Orge’, which is normally covered at high tide, then made our way along the promenade taking images as we went. 21 members attended the second of four photo walks planned over the summer break and it was good to be out in the fresh air, meeting up again. By the time we returned to Mary’s Shell the tide had come in, the sun was setting and the sea was calm. We lingered a little longer to talk and watch the peaceful scene in front of us before bidding farewell.