2nd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 2nd Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 20th January by Nick Berentzen (CPAGB, BPE2*) from South Manchester Camera Club. Nick laid out his criteria for assessing images at the start – looking for impact, emotion, story telling and atmosphere, and only placing technical competence at the end. During his critique he mentioned placing of subjects within the frame as important, such as offsetting subjects in a landscape, or providing looking space for nature shots, and also talked about the right lighting conditions for landscapes.

Congratulations to Brian and Tim in the Intermediate Group and Gordon and Sheila in the Advanced Group who all scored 20pts for one of their images. The featured image for this competition is Flooded Forest by Sheila Giles, which scored 20pts in the Advanced Group.

Flooded Forest By Sheila Giles