2022 L&CPU Individual Competition

Ready To Preach by Carol Watson
The 2022 L&CPU Individual Competition was judged on the 7th and 8th May, with 3 judges each awarding up to 5 marks for each image. Under normal Exhibition rules, a score of 12pts would be considered an Acceptance. 17 LSAPS Photographers entered a total of 232 images into the Print and PDI competitions, and of these, 7 achieved a score of 12 and above with at least 1 image – Gordon Watson (12), Carol Watson (8), Chris Round (3), Kuli Virdee (3), Anthony Hull (2), Brian Clark (2), Sheila Giles (1). In addition, Carol and Gordon each received a Commended Award for Ready To Preach and Eye Of The Storm. Congratulations to all who achieved an acceptance score.