Tarn Hows Photowalk

A Well Earned Rest by Mike Halstead
On Saturday 28th May 7 members met up in the National Trust car park at Tarn Hows. We were greeted by a dawn chorus, although somewhat late at 9.00am, with the birds breaking the silence on a sunny, still, yet cool morning. The slow-moving clouds provided an ever changing pattern of light and dark on the landscape so we climbed to a high vantage point to take images of the distant mountains using the tarn as foreground interest. Passing Rose Castle cottage, we walked down to the edge of the tarn for views across the water. The bank of the tarn, together with the trunks of fallen trees, provide the opportunity to sit, enjoy the scenery, capture images, eat our sandwiches and take a well earned drink. Continuing the walk, we passed trees uprooted by the storms which blew through during the winter months.
Whilst the walk around the tarn is only about 2 miles we took 3 ½ hours making frequent stops on the way.
Mike Halstead