L&CPU Individual Competition Uploader
The L&CPU Individual Competition will take place on 18th and 19th May. This competition is open to all club members and is free to enter, so it is an excellent opportunity to try out your images in an Exhibition style of competition. To allow tracking of entries to L&CPU competitions, it is required that entries are made via the External Competitions Secretary, using the Image Uploaders below.
To allow time to compile and check entries, the Uploaders will close at 1am on 12th April.
Full rules and category definitions for the competition are available in the document below.
The competition is split into Digital and Print entries. Digital copies of the Print entries are required, as these are used to create the print labels.
- Digital: Up to 8 images in Open (colour or mono images) plus up to 4 images in Nature. See the L&CPU document for the Nature definition.
- Print: Up to 4 images in Colour, up to 4 images in Mono and up to 4 images in Nature. See the L&CPU document for the Mono and Nature definitions.
Image Preparation:-
- Max Dimensions: 1600px wide by 1200px high
- Max File Size: 2MB
- Colour Space: sRGB
- Prints: Mounted in 50cm x 40cm mounts
- File Name: No code required, only the image title. Nature titles should accurately identify the subject – humorous titles are discouraged.
Upload Instructions – Please read Carefully!
If entering both Digital and Print competitions, please load images to one Upload panel at a time, submit the first panel, then load and submit the other panel. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that the correct number of images are loaded for each competition category.
All images can be deleted/replaced up to the closing date/time of the Uploader. The version of images entered into the competition will be those displaying as Uploaded when the panels close.