2nd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 2nd Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 20th January by Nick Berentzen (CPAGB, BPE2*) from South Manchester Camera Club. Nick laid out his criteria for assessing images at the start – looking for impact, emotion, story telling and atmosphere, and only placing technical competence at the end. During his critique he mentioned placing of subjects

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2nd Open Print Competition (2021/22)

Lower Sweden Bridge By Tim Amphlett The 2nd Open Print Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 16th December by George Steele (CPAGB, LRPS, BPE2*) from Bury PS. George also had the task of selecting the Christmas Hat and Jumper winners. Congratulations to Carol and Kuli, who scored 20pts in the Advanced Group, and to Tim Amphlett whose image

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1st Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Numbers

Chevvy by Stuart Cahill The 1st Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Something With A Number On It’ was judged on 18th November by Jim Cunningham (CPAGB) from Blackburn Photographic Society. There were a lot of images to get through, so Jim’s comments were of necessity short and to the point, but he did mention several

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1st Open Print Competition (2021/22)

The 1st Open PDI Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 22nd October by Dave Butler (MFIAP, MPSA, ARPS, BPE5*, Hon L&CPU) from Chorley Photographic Society. Dave’s style of judging was quite rapid, commenting mainly on the quality of the prints and pointing out where these differed from the digital images being projected on Zoom. The featured image for

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1st Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 1st Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 23rd September by Keith Barber (CPAGB, LRPS, FIScT) from Swinton Photographic Society. Keith commented on the high standard of the club’s photography in general, but did make some comments that a simple crop or slight change in position to adjust composition could have significantly lifted some images. His

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3rd Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 3rd Open Print competition of the season was judged on 20th May by Harry Emmett (CPAGB) from Accrington Camera Club. Harry’s critique on each image was quite short and to the point, and he made comments regarding directing the viewer’s attention to achieve a particular impact and that some images could be improved by a little cropping or cloning

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2nd Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 2nd Open Print competition of the season was judged on 15th April by Nik Hilton (EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE5*) from Southport Photographic Society. Nik explained that he marked by providing a competent image with a standard score of 15, then marked images higher or lower than this depending on whether there was something extra in the image that warranted a

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1st Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 1st Open Print competition of the season was judged on 18th March by Diana Magor (EFIAP/b APSA MPSA CPAGB LRPS BPE3) from Hoylake Photographic Society. She had been sent the prints in advance to judge, and although the PDI versions were viewed over Zoom, her comments and markings were based on the print versions. As the entry field was

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3rd Open Digital Competition (2020/21)

The 3rd Open PDI competition was judged on 21st January via Zoom by Chris Boyes from Sale Photographic Society. There were a few technical glitches at the beginning, which delayed the start of the judging, so it ended up being a late night. Chris provided feedback on all the images, mainly pointing out where images could be cropped to remove

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