Graham Barker

I started taking photos in the late 70’s to record my UK hill walks. For many years I used Pentax 35mm cameras taking primarily Kodachrome slides – receiving the yellow boxes through the letterbox was always something to look forward to – a shame that the processed slides inside didn’t always live up to expectation! Following the demise of Kodachrome I picked up a point-and-shoot digital camera and, as I was then more into Scuba Diving, dry land photography took a backseat for a few years. However since 2015, my interest has recovered and I now take, primarily landscapes using a Panasonic CSC camera. Digital photography in many ways is a lot easier than using film – but it can still be as frustrating! Joining LSAPS in January 2017 has given my photography a boost and I enjoy the varied and often excellent talks and critique evenings – it’s always interesting to see the photographic inspirations of others.

Graham Barker’s Gallery

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Note: The copyright of all images on this website belongs to the author and no Unauthorised use, or copying of these images, is permitted without the agreement of the author.

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