Singing Ringing Tree Astro Outing

The Silver Tree by Mike Halstead
On the evening of Sunday 19th July a small group of intrepid LSAPS members ventured out to the Sining Ringing Tree above Burnley, hoping for a view of Comet Neowise. This was the first outing of the Astro-Photography Interest Group, organised at short notice to make the best use of predicted clear skies. We arrived at about 9pm to enjoy the sunset, but had to wait until after 11pm before the comet appeared, gradually becoming naked eye visible to the North West. As the skies darkened, the Milky Way also became just visible overhead and the International Space Station put in an appearance as well, appearing as a very bright fast moving star. The Singing Ringing Tree makes a fine subject to photograph against the night sky, but is located on a windy hillside and even in July plenty of warm clothes were required due to the wind chill. A few hardy souls braved the cold until just before 1am when everyone packed up after a different but memorable photo outing. Here are a few images from the outing.