The 2020 Seaside Invitation

LSAPS scored a success at this year’s Seaside Invitation against Southport, judged by Colin Douglas on Monday 7th December.  Due to COVID, this year’s competition was digital only, and involved just 20 images from each club, all by different members. Colin ran through all the images, holding back a number to score at the end.  Half way through and LSAPS were well behind, however this was misleading, as he had held back more of the LSAPS images. In the end it was a close competition, but LSAPS were the eventual winners by 350 against 345 points.  So after a suitable quarantine period, Sefton the Seasider will be returning to LSAPS.  LSAPS scores and images are shown below – congratulations to Vince Draper and Keith Orr who both scored 20 pts.

The Early Bird by Vince Draper


LSAPS Scores