2021 L&CPU Club PDI Championship

Rhizostome Jellyfish And A Juvenile Jack By Graham Barker

Judging of the 2021 L&CPU Club PDI Championship took place on Saturday 20th March. Due to Covid restrictions the judging was performed in advance by Phil and Gwen Charnock who were given the images for review which they then scored jointly out of 20. This is different to normal years where there are three judges who only see the images projected for a few seconds, and who each score independently out of 5.

LSAPS did very well scoring 394pts, placing 4th equal in the Open competition and 10th equal in the Nature competition for an overall placing of 6th out of 40 clubs. This is a good improvement on last year’s 11th place, mainly due to a better showing in the Nature competition.

Overall winners were Oldham PS with 415pts, who narrowly beat Chorley by just 2 points.

Congratulations in particular to Graham Barker who scored a maximum 20pts with his Rhizostome Jellyfish and Juvenile Jack.

Judging of the Print Competition will be held on Saturday 27th March.