2021 L&CPU Club Print Championship

Pearls By Kuli Virdee

Judging of the 2021 L&CPU Club Print Championship took place on Saturday 27th March. Due to Covid restrictions this was a postal A4 print competition and judging was performed by Phil and Gwen Charnock who were sent the prints in advance, which they then scored jointly out of 20.

The field was much smaller than in the PDI competition, with only 12 clubs entering a full set of images. LSAPS matched our result in the PDI competition, placing 6th overall with 382 pts (6th in Colour, 3rd in Mono and 8th in Nature). Once again this is a good improvement on last year’s 10th place, and even though the field was smaller, the better L&CPU clubs were still represented, and it requires more good images to do well in both Print and PDI competitions.

Overall winners were Chorley PS with 420pts.

LSAPS scores are shown below – congratulations in particular to Kuli Virdee who scored a maximum 20pts for his image Pearls.