Dublin Inter-Club Competition

Kingfisher With Catch By Kuli Virdee

On Tuesday 25th January LSAPS took part in an inter-club competition against Dublin Camera Club. This competition followed on from last year’s Photoshow PDI competition, which was judged by Dublin club member Pauric McGroder.  Pauric thought that LSAPS would be a good match for Dublin, so we agreed to hold a competition. The format was for 30 images, including between 5 and 10 Mono and Nature images, with no club member being represented more than twice.

The judge was Ann Francis (FIPF, EFIAP/g) from Cork Camera Group, and after a close competition, Dublin were the narrow winners with a score of 486pts against 483pts for LSAPS.

LSAPS scores and images are shown below. Congratulations to Kuli Virdee whose Kingfisher With Catch was the highest placed LSAPS image with a score of 19.