2022 L&CPU Annual Club PDI Competition

The Hurdlers By Brian Clark

The annual L&CPU Club PDI competition was held on Saturday 2nd April at the Elm Bank Conference Centre in Eccles. The PDI competition involves 18 images from each club – 12 in Open (Colour or Mono) and 6 in Nature. Each image is judged by 3 judges, awarding a maximum score 15pts. After the Open competition, LSAPS were lying in 7th equal position with 199pts, but dropped back to 12th equal after the Nature round with a total of 295pts. The competition was won by Chorley PS, with a total score of 317pts.

The scoring was relatively generous, and although none of the LSAPS images achieved a top score of 15pts, there were a number which scored a very creditable 14pts.

Congratulations to Brian Clark, Carol Watson, Gordon Watson, Justin Clayton and Kuli Virdee who all had images scoring 14pts in the Open Competition, and to Anthony Hull and Bill Breckenridge who had images scoring 14pts in the Nature Competition.

LSAPS Image Scores