Photoshow 2022 – Results

A Grey Day In Blackpool By Christine Round – Best PDI In Show

Photoshow results were announced on Thursday 14th July, when we had the pleasure of inviting our two judges to provide comment on the images they had selected for Awards. The Print competition was judged by Howard Tate (MA, ARPS, AFIAP, HonPAGB) from Pontefract Camera Club, whilst the Digital competition was judged by John Tilsley (ARPS, DPAGB, APAGB) from Dorchester Camera Club.

There were 324 Prints submitted by 38 LSAPS members, and of these, 40 Prints and 18 members received awards. In the PDI category, there were 286 images submitted by 31 LSAPS members, with 48 PDI’s and 19 members receiving an award.

All the Awarded images are listed below. Congratulations to everyone who received an Award, but in particular to Chris Round who received Best In Show – Digital and to Gordon Watson who received Best In Show – Prints.

2022 Photoshow Print Awards

2022 Photoshow Digital Awards