Photoshow 2023 Public Vote

All At Sea By Gordon Watson

At this year’s Photoshow, the public were asked to comment on as many images as they wished, in addition to identifying their favourite image. There were 940 comments received, with every member who submitted a print received at least one comment. The table below shows those images that received at least 10 comments, and to take account of both favourites and comments, the images are ranked by assigning a comment weighting of 1/3 of a favourite vote. The overall winner is Gordon Watson’s All At Sea, which recorded both the most comments and the most favourites.

The leading members by total comments received were:-

  • Martin Christensen – 78 comments
  • Elaine Cook –  47 comments
  • Bill Breckenridge – 46 comments
  • Marty Kirkby – 46 comments
  • Peter Darby – 43 comments

Congratulations to all mentioned above.