2nd Open Digital Competition (2022/23)

The 2nd Open Digital Competition of the 2022/3 season was judged on 19th January by Harry Emmett (CPAGB) from Accrington Camera Club. Harry commented that the overall standard of the competition was better than he had seen recently, so he avoided very low marks. However he held back relatively few images, resulting in only a small number of high scoring

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2nd Open Print Competition (2022/23)

The second Open Print competition of the season was judged on 15th December by Nick Hilton (DPAGB, BPE5, EFIAP) from Southport PS. He provided a detailed critique on each image and particularly noted where prints were lacking in sharpness in critical areas, or showed areas that were over-exposed. The top scoring images are listed below. The featured image is Gerbera

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1st Open Print Competition (2022/23)

The delayed 1st Open Print Competition of the 2022/3 season was judged on 24th November by Paul King (CPAGB) from North Fylde Photographic Society. There was an entry of 69 images, split evenly between Intermediate and Advanced. Paul mentioned that the general standard was good and gave his comments on what he liked about each image, but only occasionally provided

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1st Open Digital Competition (2022/23)

The 1st Open Digital Competition of the 2022/3 season was judged on 20th October by James Hardy (CPAGB, LRPS, AFIAP) from Chorley Photographic Society. James is also president of the L&CPU. With almost 100 images to judge it was a long night, but James approached the judging with humour. In general he was looking for images that told some sort

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3rd Open Print Competition (2021/22)

The 3rd Open Print Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 19th May by Will Stead (CPAGB, EFIAP, PSA3) from Chorley Photographic Society. Will pointed out a few cases where a little dodging and burning could lighten or darken areas of the image for more emphasis or to take down highlights. He also commented that some images came to

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3rd Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Unloved

The 3rd Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Unloved’ was judged on 21st April by Rebecca Entwhistle from Prestwich Camera Club. There were a total of 88 entries across Print and PDI, and with many showing various states of decay, this was a difficult subject to judge. Rebecca did point out ways in which each image

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3rd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 3rd and final Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 17th March by John Riley from Atherton and District Photographic Society. John had obviously spent some time studying the images before the competition, but he did comment on a number that had blown highlights, so that is something to check before submitting images into competitions.  The

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2nd Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Contre Jour

The 2nd Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Contre Jour’ was judged on 17th February by Alfred Brown (CPAGB) from both South Manchester and Branhall Photographic Societies. There were 100 PDI and print images to get through, but Alf kept his comments short and to the point so we finished in good time. Recurring comments were

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2nd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 2nd Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 20th January by Nick Berentzen (CPAGB, BPE2*) from South Manchester Camera Club. Nick laid out his criteria for assessing images at the start – looking for impact, emotion, story telling and atmosphere, and only placing technical competence at the end. During his critique he mentioned placing of subjects

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