LSAPS Membership Application

The 2024/5 season will start on 5th September, however it is now possible to join for next season. The full membership fee is £50, but we offer a half price membership fee of just £25 to new members, with further possible reductions if joining part way through the season.


LSAPS Join Form

Membership Application

All fields marked with an Asterisk must be completed. After submitting the form you will be directed to a page showing details of how to pay the membership fee. 


1) Membership Status

Please let us know how you heard about us, then complete the rest of the form.

2) Personal Details

Note - These details will not be stored online.

Junior Members

The club welcomes junior members under the age of 18, however they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at club meetings. Please confirm if you are under 18 and then provide the name of the accompanying Parent or Guardian.

3) Declaration (Part 1) - You Must Complete This Part

It is a legal requirement that all club members are aware of the rights and responsibilities of club membership, as laid out in the documents at the link below. We therefore require your confirmation that you have reviewed and agree to these documents.


Go To LSAPS Constitution


  • I confirm that I have been informed and agree with my responsibilities under the Protection of Vulnerable Adults and Children regulations.
  • I confirm that I am aware of and agree to comply with the LSAPS Constitution.
  • I confirm that I am aware of and agree with the LSAPS GDPR Policy statement.

4) Declaration (Part 2)

As a club member, it is assumed that you grant permission to receive our Weekly Newsletter e-mail. It is also assumed that you consent that images you submit to Club Competitions can be used to represent the club in external competitions or for publicity purposes (eg display on the LSAPS website). 

Please indicate below if you do not wish to receive the club Newsletter or allow your images to be used by the club - otherwise leave this section blank.

We need to know if you are a member of another Photographic Society, as members can only represent one Society in external competitions.

5) Gift Aid Declaration

As a registered Charity (No 513963), the Society can reclaim tax based on your Subscription provided that you are a UK Income Tax Payer. This provides valuable additional income for the Club. However we can only do this with your consent. Therefore if you meet the criteria of being a UK Income Tax Payer and consent to your subscription, and any future renewals thereof, or any other related donations, being treated as a Gift Aid donation, please check the box below.

6) Comments Or Queries

If you have any comments or queries, please use the box below.