Photoshow 2019 Public Vote

The public votes from Photoshow have been counted and the results can now be announced.  There were 614 votes cast for 186 images by 36 entrants. The winning individual images were: Grand Canal Venice by Martin Christensen – 19 votes Lakeland Sunset by Graham Barker – 18 votes On a Winter’s Day by Gordon Watson – 17 votes Resilient Racegoers

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Fairhaven Photo Walk

On Thursday 25th July, a number of LSAPS members visited Fairhaven Lake for an evening Photowalk. Some thunderstorms had passed through in the late afternoon bringing some torrential rain, but fortunately the evening was dry with some nice sunlight. The visit to Fairhaven ties in with the Fairhaven Photographic competition which LSAPS is sponsoring, as there is a category specifically

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Photoshow 2019 Results

The results of Photoshow 2019 have been announced, and are shown in the tables below, showing the Print and PDI (Projected Digital Image) categories . The Borough category is judged as a single category across Print and PDI. The overall winning images were Show Judges by Carol Watson in the PDI category and Winter Woollies by Gordon Watson in the

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3rd Open Digital Competition (2018/19)

The postponed 3rd Open Digital competition of the 2018/19 season was finally held on Thursday 30th May, judged by Rebecca Entwistle from Prestwich, Manchester.  This was the final competition of the season. The featured image for this competition is Monte Cristallo by Graham Barker, which scored top marks of 20pts in the Intermediate Group.

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3rd Set Subject (2018/19) – Still Life

The 3rd Set Subject competition on the subject Still Life was held on Thursday 23rd May.  The judge this evening was James Hardy (CPAGB, LRPS) from Chorley Photographic Society who kept us entertained with his somewhat dry sense of humour. The featured image for the Still Life Competition is Rose Trio by Tim Amphlett which scored a maximum 20pts in

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2019 L&CPU Individual Competition

Cowboy by Kuli Virdee The results from the L&CPU Individual Competition are now available, and LSAPS scored some notable successes. In the Print section, Kuli Virdee achieved 1st place in Mono with Cowboy and Gordon Watson received two Commended Awards for Winter Woollies in Colour and Tree And Barn in Mono. LSAPS Members who had Print images retained for the

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3rd Open Print Competition (2018/19)

The 3rd and final Open Print competition of the season was held on 16th May. The featured image for this competition is The Hunter by Ken Ainscow which scored 20pts in the Advanced Group. The results of the overall season Print Competition are now known, with Simon Ray wining the Intermediate Section and Carol Watson winning the Advanced Section.

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Fairhaven Photography Workshop

The Society is working in partnership with Fylde Borough Council on a photographic competition to celebrate the start of the National Lottery Heritage Funded Fairhaven Lake restoration project. As part of this, a few members of the society helped run a photography workshop aimed at encouraging people to get their cameras out of Auto mode and start to explore the

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2nd Set Subject Competition (2018/19) – Triptych

The second Set Subject competition of the 2018/19 season was in the form of a Triptych print competition, and was held on Thursday 18th April, judged by Harry Emmett from Accrington. Harry made a few points about the way that a Triptych should be viewed as a set, which means the layout, mounting and sequence of images in the set

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Graham Brodie Photoshoot

Throughout the photoshoot, Graham offered some shooting advice, came up with ideas for poses and locations and always ensured he made eye contact with each photographer in turn. The shoot gave a good stock of characters for further development of the images.

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