1st Open PDI Competition (2023/24)

The first Open PDI competition of the season was judged on 19th Oct by Keith Barber (FIScT, CPAGB, LRPS) of Swinton & District PS. There was quite a large entry of 99 images to get through on the night. The top scoring images are listed below. The featured image for this competition is Late Afternoon Perch Rock by Margaret Keane,

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2022/3 Photoshow And Season Awards

Awards Certificates for the 2022/23 Season and Photowshow 2023 were handed out  during the annual AGM on 5th October, with a few catch-up presentations the following week. Well done to all awarded members, but in particular to Gordon Watson who won the Print Photographer of the Year and more especially to Carol Watson who won the Digital Photographer of the

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2023 Bob Robinson Trophy

The first L&CPU competition of the season, the “Bob Robinson Trophy” (formerly the Novice Cup), took place on Sunday 8th October. This competition is designed to promote competitions and distinctions to club members who generally do not participate in competitions and who do not hold any qualifications or accreditations (e.g. LRPS, CPAGB or BPE Crowns).  This year the format of

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1st Open Print Competition (2023/24)

The first Open Print competition of the season was judged on 28th Sep by Tillman Kleinhans (ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE5* Hon LCPU) from St Helens Camera Club. Tillman made some interesting points about the difference between the ‘best’ image and the judge’s favourite, along with some detailed comments such as avoiding over-sharpening or over-enlarging images. The top scoring images are

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Photoshow 2023 Public Vote

At this year’s Photoshow, the public were asked to comment on as many images as they wished, in addition to identifying their favourite image. There were 940 comments received, with every member who submitted a print received at least one comment. The table below shows those images that received at least 10 comments, and to take account of both favourites

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Photoshow 2023 Awards Galleries

LSAPS Photoshow is held over two weeks during August each year and showcases over 600 Print and Digital images produced by our club members. The show is also a competition split across 5 categories –  Mono, Nature, Open, People and Scapes in both the Print and PDI sections.  This year the Print competition was judged by Diana Magor (ASPA, MPSA,

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Knott End Photo Walk

We started the Knott End Photo Walk by the jetty on Thursday evening 13th July. 17 members met up for a walk along the ‘Prince Philip Riverside Walk’ looking across to the remains of the roll-on / roll-off ferry dock at Fleetwood. So near yet so far to get to by road. The sun was shining bright into our faces as

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Photoshow 2023 – Results

Photoshow results were announced on Thursday 6th July, when we had the pleasure of inviting our two judges to provide comment on the images they had selected for Awards. The Print competition was judged by Diana Magor (EFIAP/b APSA MPSA CPAGB LRPS BPE3) from Hoylake Photographic Society, whilst the Digital competition was judged by David Gibbins (ARPS, APAGB, EFIAP/b, BPE5,

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Preston Docks Photo Walk

On Thursday 29th June twelve of us met up at Preston Docks to take in the scenery and explore the area around the outer dock basin and onto the ‘Bull Nose’ by the outer lock gates. It’s a pleasant view from the dock gates looking along the River Ribble as it flows out to Irish Sea. We didn’t have time to

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