2021 L&CPU Knock-Out Competition

The 2021 L&CPU Knock-Out competition was held on Saturday13th November, judged by John Cartlidge APAGB, EFIAP/p, BPE5* from the Midland Counties Photographic Federation. 41 clubs entered, with 4 images from each club. Images are progressively knocked out in a series of rounds, until only a handful are left, at which point the judge selects his overall winner. Scores are awarded

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1st Open Print Competition (2021/22)

The 1st Open PDI Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 22nd October by Dave Butler (MFIAP, MPSA, ARPS, BPE5*, Hon L&CPU) from Chorley Photographic Society. Dave’s style of judging was quite rapid, commenting mainly on the quality of the prints and pointing out where these differed from the digital images being projected on Zoom. The featured image for

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Rydal Water Photo Walk

The first Photo Walk of the new season took place on Saturday 16th October. A group of 11 dedicated photographers arrived at 9.00am in White Moss car park kitted out for whatever the weather may have in store for us. Drizzle was in the air and, as the low cloud lifted, we were treated to pockets of mist drifting across the

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2021 L&CPU Novice Cup

The 2021 Novice Cup took place on Sunday 10th October, the first L&CPU print competition since March 2020! 21 Clubs took part and LSAPS did very well in the Mono Section, finishing in joint 1st place alongside South Manchester CC. Congratulations to Peter Cotton who received a Commended for his print “Waiting His Turn“. Unfortunately we didn’t do so well

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1st Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 1st Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 23rd September by Keith Barber (CPAGB, LRPS, FIScT) from Swinton Photographic Society. Keith commented on the high standard of the club’s photography in general, but did make some comments that a simple crop or slight change in position to adjust composition could have significantly lifted some images. His

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Graham Currey Photo Competition

Following our photoshoot with Graham Currey on 1st August, he kindly agreed to judge and provide feedback on a selection of images. To ensure a good distribution of images, each photographer was restricted to one image per character, though there was some slight relaxation of that rule. The images are shown below, grouped by character, with Graham’s top placed images

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St Annes Pier Photowalk

For the final walk of the summer season we meet by St Annes Pier. As you can see from the group photograph, the storm clouds were gathering. The rain kept away until about quarter to nine, but there was only a tiny bit of colour in the sunset. So, it was a matter of capturing the cloud formations, patterns in the

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Graham Currey Photoshoot

On Sunday 1st August, a group of 11 LSAPS photographers enjoyed another photoshoot with Graham Currey, starting early in the morning at Lytham Jetty, then moving on to Lytham Hall for the rest of the day.  As usual, Graham arrived with a number of different outfits ranging from an 18th century Poldark type character, through Gandalf the wizard to a

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Cleveleys Photo Walk

On the evening of Thursday 22nd July, a group of LSAPS members attended a photo walk to Cleveleys promenade, which started on the promenade overlooking Mary’s Shell. The beach was still busy with people taking full advantage of the sunny, hot weather. With the tide out we took the opportunity to photograph ‘The Sea Orge’, which is normally covered at

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2021/22 Print And Digital Photographer Of The Year

With the announcement of Photoshow results, we also have the annual Print and Digital Photographer Of The Year awards. First, an explanation of how these are calculated. Points are awarded for performance in each of the In-Season competitions, with 5 pts for coming first (based in the combined score of both images entered), 4pts for second etc. Points are also

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