2019/20 Print and Digital Photographer Of The Year

The Print and Digital Photographer of the Year are calculated based on the results of all of the in-season competitions, both Open and Set Subject as well as the results of the various Photoshow categories. In normal circumstances the results from the Individual L&CPU competitions would also contribute but not this year, as there was only a digital competition.  The

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2020 L&CPU Individual Competition

The L&CPU Individual competition was judged on 4th July, and the selection was streamed live over Zoom. Unfortunately this was a late decision, leaving no opportunity to inform LSAPS members that they could join the event. There were over 2000 images entered from just over 200 photographers, and it was interesting to see the full range of images for a

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Brian Crawford Obituary

This week (1st April) the Society has been running for 72 years and through that time there have been many stalwarts of the club who have done more than could be asked of them to promote or support the Society. It is with sadness to inform you that on the same day, the passing away of just one of those,

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3rd Open Digital Competition (2019/20)

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the 3rd Open PDI competition was judged in a closed session by judge Gordon Bartley, who provided results and feedback via e-mail. The featured image for this competition is The Citadel by Peter Parnell, which scored a maximum 20pts in the Intermediate Group.

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Salford Quays Photowalk

Having postponed the Photo Walk last month due to bad weather it looked more promising this time. However, it was raining when we arrived at Salford Quays for 4:15 pm so a tea or coffee seemed appropriate in the shelter of Lowry Outlet. By the time we had drunk up the rain had passed and stayed away for the rest

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2020 L&CPU Annual Club Competition

The L&CPU Annual Club PDI and Print competitions were held over the weekend of 7th and 8th March.  LSAPS finished slightly down on last year, coming 10th in the Overall Print Competition and 11th in the Overall PDI competition.  In the Open sections we placed reasonably well, coming 6th in Colour Print, 7th in Mono Print and 7th in Open

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2nd Set Subject Competition (2019/20) – Architecture

The 2nd Set Subject competition of the season on the subject of Architecture was held on 20th February and was judged by Will Stead EFIAP, CPAGB, PSA3 from Chorley Photographic Society. He gave some useful comments such as ensuring that verticals are either parallel or obviously converging to add drama, and to ground the image by showing the base of

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2nd Open Digital Competition (2019/20)

The 2nd Open PDI competition of the season was held on 23rd January, judged by Joan Gauld (CPAGB, ARPS) from Chorley Photographic Society.  Joan had reviewed the images in advance but chose not to mark them until seeing them projected on a large screen.  One aspect that was mentioned was composition, and the need to crop images to remove parts that

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