2021 Photoshow Results

Photoshow results were announced on Thursday 15th July, when we had the pleasure of inviting our two judges to provide comment on the images they had selected for Awards. The Print competition was judged by Rod Whelans (MPAGB, MFIAP, FRPS, FIPF) from Dumfries Camera Club, whilst the Digital competition was judged by Pauric McGroder (ARPS, AIPPVA, FIPF) from Dublin Camera

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Fairhaven Photo Walk

The first Photo Walk of 2021 took place on Thursday evening 8th July. It was necessary to change the location at short notice, so we visited Fairhaven Lake rather than Haslam Park, Preston. Paddle Boarders were taking advantage of the calm conditions on the water whilst our group of 18 stayed on the land seeking out photographic opportunities. After 15

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The Bury Battle

On Thursday 17th June we held an invitation competition against Bury PS. This promised to be a close fought competition as Bury had finished very close to LSAPS in the L&CPU inter-club competition. The competition was hosted by Bury and judged by Joe Houghton from Dublin Camera Club, who stepped in at the last minute when the previous judge became

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3rd Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 3rd Open Print competition of the season was judged on 20th May by Harry Emmett (CPAGB) from Accrington Camera Club. Harry’s critique on each image was quite short and to the point, and he made comments regarding directing the viewer’s attention to achieve a particular impact and that some images could be improved by a little cropping or cloning

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2021 L&CPU Individual Competition

The 2021 L&CPU Individual Competition was judged over the weekend of 8th May, with 3 judges each awarding up to 5 marks for each image. Under normal Exhibition rules, a score of 12pts would be considered an Acceptance. 11 LSAPS Photographers entered, and of these, 8 achieved a score of 12 and above with at least 1 image – Carol

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2nd Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 2nd Open Print competition of the season was judged on 15th April by Nik Hilton (EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE5*) from Southport Photographic Society. Nik explained that he marked by providing a competent image with a standard score of 15, then marked images higher or lower than this depending on whether there was something extra in the image that warranted a

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2021 L&CPU Club Print Championship

Judging of the 2021 L&CPU Club Print Championship took place on Saturday 27th March. Due to Covid restrictions this was a postal A4 print competition and judging was performed by Phil and Gwen Charnock who were sent the prints in advance, which they then scored jointly out of 20. The field was much smaller than in the PDI competition, with

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2021 L&CPU Club PDI Championship

Judging of the 2021 L&CPU Club PDI Championship took place on Saturday 20th March. Due to Covid restrictions the judging was performed in advance by Phil and Gwen Charnock who were given the images for review which they then scored jointly out of 20. This is different to normal years where there are three judges who only see the images

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1st Open Print Competition (2020/21)

The 1st Open Print competition of the season was judged on 18th March by Diana Magor (EFIAP/b APSA MPSA CPAGB LRPS BPE3) from Hoylake Photographic Society. She had been sent the prints in advance to judge, and although the PDI versions were viewed over Zoom, her comments and markings were based on the print versions. As the entry field was

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