2022 Seaside Invitation

The annual Seaside Invitation competition against Southport PS was held on Monday 12th December, hosted by Southport. The competition was judged by Robert Millin (MFIAP, FBPE, EFIAP/d2, MPSA, SPSA) who gave a quick but concise judging of each image. LSAPS were trailing by 11 points after the first Print round, and although we finished ahead in the PDI competition this

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1st Open Print Competition (2022/23)

The delayed 1st Open Print Competition of the 2022/3 season was judged on 24th November by Paul King (CPAGB) from North Fylde Photographic Society. There was an entry of 69 images, split evenly between Intermediate and Advanced. Paul mentioned that the general standard was good and gave his comments on what he liked about each image, but only occasionally provided

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2021/2 Photoshow And Season Awards

Awards Certificates from the 2021/22 Season and Photowshow 2022 were handed out by over a series of club meetings. Well done to all awarded members, but in particular to Carol Watson who won the Digital Photographer of the Year and keeping it in the family, Gordon Watson who won the Print Photographer of the Year.

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2022 5-Way Battle

The 2022 5-Way Battle was held on Thursday 10th November, hosted by Poulton PS. The competition involves LSAPS, Poulton, Bispham, Garstang and North Fylde, with 15 images being entered from each club. Judge for the evening was Nick Hilton (EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE5) from Southport. Nick provided a good detailed critique of each image and explained why he considered each image

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Photowalk To Tockhole Woodland

I had organised two trips to this location covering Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd November. Due to a weather forecast of persistent rain on the Sunday morning, which did materialise, I cancelled the Sunday walk. This was so disappointing particularly as we had a clear blue sky on Saturday. On Saturday morning 14 members met in the car park before walking down

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1st Open Digital Competition (2022/23)

The 1st Open Digital Competition of the 2022/3 season was judged on 20th October by James Hardy (CPAGB, LRPS, AFIAP) from Chorley Photographic Society. James is also president of the L&CPU. With almost 100 images to judge it was a long night, but James approached the judging with humour. In general he was looking for images that told some sort

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2022 Bob Robinson Trophy

The 2022 Bob Robinson Trophy (previously Novice Cup) was held on Sunday 9th October as part of the L&CPU Big Day at Leigh Spinners Mill. This is an A4 print competition for club photographers who do not hold any accreditations, consisting of 6 colour and 6 mono prints, all by different authors. 17 Clubs submitted a full entry and LSAPS

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Photowalk to Yarrow Valley Country Park

Thirteen LSAPS members met up for a 10am start at Yarrow Valley Country Park, Chorley. Chorley Council has published leaflets covering 4 walks around the country park. Using some of those directions I planned a short walk around the lake, on to the waterfall, then a short distance along the River Yarrow before returning to our cars at 12.30pm. It

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Garstang Photowalk – 4th August 2022

We met up in High Street car park Garstang. Our band of 10 first set out to the flood defence barrier on the River Wyre. A splash in the river drew our attention to a group of lads jumping into the river on this warm, still evening. We retraced our steps back to the car park and continued on the

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