Stanley Park Photowalk – 21st July 2022

Stanley Park was the venue for the walk on Thursday evening 21st July. The weather was fine but overcast as eight of us made our way to the Italian Gardens with its display of colourful flowers surrounding the water fountain. The layout of the Italian Garden, with paths pointing in all directions, encouraged us to spread out taking images of

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Print And Digital Photographer Of The Year

With the announcement of Photoshow results, we can also announce the annual Print and Digital Photographer Of The Year awards. First, an explanation of how these are calculated. Points are awarded for performance in each of the In-Season competitions (Open and Set Subject), with 5 pts for coming first, based on the combined score of both images entered, 4pts for

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Photoshow 2022 – Results

Photoshow results were announced on Thursday 14th July, when we had the pleasure of inviting our two judges to provide comment on the images they had selected for Awards. The Print competition was judged by Howard Tate (MA, ARPS, AFIAP, HonPAGB) from Pontefract Camera Club, whilst the Digital competition was judged by John Tilsley (ARPS, DPAGB, APAGB) from Dorchester Camera

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Fleetwood Wrecks Photowalk

The latest photo walk, to Fleetwood Wrecks, took place on Thursday evening 7th July. On arrival it was overcast but by the time we’d walked from Fleetwood Marsh Nature Park the clouds had parted to reveal the sun and patches of blue sky. The low evening sunlight really brought out the textures on the wrecks. We took the opportunity to experiment

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Lytham Front Photo Walk

The first photo walk of the summer break took place in Lytham on Thursday evening, 9th June, however due to Photoshow priorities there’s been a bit of a delay in creating this post. 12 members met at Lytham jetty to capture images of the area. The rain held off, but the wind was blowing strongly, the platinum jubilee union jack

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Conder Green Photowalk

A very warm sunny day on Thursday 23rd June gave little warning of the change in the weather which coincided with our Photo Walk. When we set off to Glasson it was fine, but soon the odd drop of rain landed on the windscreen and gradually the rain got heavier. Through the rain and spray on the motorway there was

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Tarn Hows Photowalk

On Saturday 28th May 7 members met up in the National Trust car park at Tarn Hows. We were greeted by a dawn chorus, although somewhat late at 9.00am, with the birds breaking the silence on a sunny, still, yet cool morning. The slow-moving clouds provided an ever changing pattern of light and dark on the landscape so we climbed to

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2022 North Cheshire Challenge

The North Cheshire Challenge is organised by the North Cheshire Photographic Society and usually consists of two competitions held over a weekend – an interclub print competition and an interclub Digital Knock-out competition. The latter took place on Friday night on Zoom, judged by Terry Donnelly. In a knock-out competition, about half the images are removed in each round until

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LSAPS Studio Equipment

LSAPS owns a number of items of studio equipment which are sadly under-used. Therefore over a couple of weekends in May, some of the council members have been dusting off the equipment and trying to learn how it all works. The idea is that if we set up some studio portrait events, it would be better if a few people

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3rd Open Print Competition (2021/22)

The 3rd Open Print Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 19th May by Will Stead (CPAGB, EFIAP, PSA3) from Chorley Photographic Society. Will pointed out a few cases where a little dodging and burning could lighten or darken areas of the image for more emphasis or to take down highlights. He also commented that some images came to

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