2022 L&CPU Annual Club PDI Competition

The annual L&CPU Club PDI competition was held on Saturday 2nd April at the Elm Bank Conference Centre in Eccles. The PDI competition involves 18 images from each club – 12 in Open (Colour or Mono) and 6 in Nature. Each image is judged by 3 judges, awarding a maximum score 15pts. After the Open competition, LSAPS were lying in

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Haslam Park Photo Walk

On Saturday morning, 19th March, a group of 9 met at Haslam Park to explore and enjoy taking images in the spring sunshine. The Lancaster canal bounds one side of the park. We joined the towpath to follow the curves of the canal beyond the park to reach the junction with the Ribble Link. The two deep locks linking the

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3rd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 3rd and final Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 17th March by John Riley from Atherton and District Photographic Society. John had obviously spent some time studying the images before the competition, but he did comment on a number that had blown highlights, so that is something to check before submitting images into competitions.  The

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2nd Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Contre Jour

The 2nd Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Contre Jour’ was judged on 17th February by Alfred Brown (CPAGB) from both South Manchester and Branhall Photographic Societies. There were 100 PDI and print images to get through, but Alf kept his comments short and to the point so we finished in good time. Recurring comments were

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Dublin Inter-Club Competition

On Tuesday 25th January LSAPS took part in an inter-club competition against Dublin Camera Club. This competition followed on from last year’s Photoshow PDI competition, which was judged by Dublin club member Pauric McGroder.  Pauric thought that LSAPS would be a good match for Dublin, so we agreed to hold a competition. The format was for 30 images, including between 5

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2nd Open Digital Competition (2021/22)

The 2nd Open Digital Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 20th January by Nick Berentzen (CPAGB, BPE2*) from South Manchester Camera Club. Nick laid out his criteria for assessing images at the start – looking for impact, emotion, story telling and atmosphere, and only placing technical competence at the end. During his critique he mentioned placing of subjects

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Salford Quays Photo Walk

The walk took place on Saturday afternoon 15th January. A clear blue sky and bright sunshine greeted us as we arrived at Salford Quays, however there was a distinct chill in the air. We quickly set about the task of seeking out interesting images. There was little breeze, so we were able to capture some nice reflections in the water. Sunset,

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2nd Open Print Competition (2021/22)

Lower Sweden Bridge By Tim Amphlett The 2nd Open Print Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 16th December by George Steele (CPAGB, LRPS, BPE2*) from Bury PS. George also had the task of selecting the Christmas Hat and Jumper winners. Congratulations to Carol and Kuli, who scored 20pts in the Advanced Group, and to Tim Amphlett whose image

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Christmas Hats And Jumpers

At the meeting on Thursday 16th Dec, members were encouraged to turn up in their best Christmas jumper or hat, with prizes for the best outfits. Well done to Margaret Broughton and Peter Cotton, who won the Lady’s and Men’s Hat competition, and to Sheila Giles and Mike Halstead, who won the Lady’s and Men’s jumper competition. Hat Winners –

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The 2021 Seaside Invitation

The Seaside Invitation competition against Southport PS was held on Thursday 9th December, hosted by LSAPS. The competition was judged by Adrian Lines (MPAGB, AFBPE, AFIAP) who provided a number of feedback points such as cropping to either give space to the subject or cropping close to create some tension, and attention to small points of detail like highlights, distracting

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