Tarn Hows Photowalk

On Saturday 28th May 7 members met up in the National Trust car park at Tarn Hows. We were greeted by a dawn chorus, although somewhat late at 9.00am, with the birds breaking the silence on a sunny, still, yet cool morning. The slow-moving clouds provided an ever changing pattern of light and dark on the landscape so we climbed to

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2022 North Cheshire Challenge

The North Cheshire Challenge is organised by the North Cheshire Photographic Society and usually consists of two competitions held over a weekend – an interclub print competition and an interclub Digital Knock-out competition. The latter took place on Friday night on Zoom, judged by Terry Donnelly. In a knock-out competition, about half the images are removed in each round until

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LSAPS Studio Equipment

LSAPS owns a number of items of studio equipment which are sadly under-used. Therefore over a couple of weekends in May, some of the council members have been dusting off the equipment and trying to learn how it all works. The idea is that if we set up some studio portrait events, it would be better if a few people

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3rd Open Print Competition (2021/22)

The 3rd Open Print Competition of the 2021/2 season was judged on 19th May by Will Stead (CPAGB, EFIAP, PSA3) from Chorley Photographic Society. Will pointed out a few cases where a little dodging and burning could lighten or darken areas of the image for more emphasis or to take down highlights. He also commented that some images came to

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2022 L&CPU Individual Competition

The 2022 L&CPU Individual Competition was judged on the 7th and 8th May, with 3 judges each awarding up to 5 marks for each image. Under normal Exhibition rules, a score of 12pts would be considered an Acceptance. 17 LSAPS Photographers entered a total of 232 images into the Print and PDI competitions, and of these, 7 achieved a score

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Formby Point Photowalk

We started out on the squirrel walk, in bright sunshine, hoping that one of us would spot a Red Squirrel but, unfortunately, we had no luck. Still the forestry at Formby Point is interesting and we toured the National Trust Reserve taking images of the sand dunes and tall pine trees as we went. Some of the trees, exposed to

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3rd Set Subject Competition (2021/22) – Unloved

The 3rd Set Subject Competition of the 2021/2 season on the subject ‘Unloved’ was judged on 21st April by Rebecca Entwhistle from Prestwich Camera Club. There were a total of 88 entries across Print and PDI, and with many showing various states of decay, this was a difficult subject to judge. Rebecca did point out ways in which each image

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Oulton Park Photowalk

Oulton Park provided an ideal backdrop to hone our skills capturing images of racing cars on a test day preceding the Easter race meeting. With very few spectators, other than a few fellow photographers, we explored the circuit looking for the best locations to capture a sense of motion in the speeding cars. The paddock was open which providing the

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2022 L&CPU Annual Club Print Competition

The annual L&CPU Club Print competition was held on Sunday 3rd April at the Elm Bank Conference Centre in Eccles. The Print competition involves 18 images from each club – 6 in Open Colour, 6 in Mono and 6 in Nature. Each image is judged by 3 judges, awarding a maximum score of 15pts. Only 15 clubs competed in the

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